Emos | Teen Ink


January 14, 2008
By Anonymous

The people are judgmental
They hate the emotional
I wander the halls
Getting all the calls

Just because were different
That it’s so apparent
That we won’t ever fit in
They say we are just a sin

We may wear different clothes
And might like different shoes
And might have different style of hair
But we do still care

We still can feel
And we do not steal
So I don’t understand
Why we have the last strand

Everything we do is criticized
And we are always down sized
We are called such hideous names
The hurt of it will stain

Goths are not like us
Because we do not cuss
We are not always depressed
And we are not obsessed

We do cry a lot
Yet we do not
Want to die
No matter how much we sigh

Emos are who im talking about
We do pout
We do love
And we are as peaceful of doves

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