A sign | Teen Ink

A sign

January 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Lord give me a sign,
A sign to get me through this,
Through this drought,
Drought of light.

Give a sign,
I fell in a dark pit,
Help me out,
I need some help.

This world has gone for me,
I need to find it,
Once again,
Because I’m lost.

Lord give me a sign,
To get back from this Hell,
I need some guidance,
Show me the way.

Lord give me a sign,
Where to go,
What to do,
Before I lose it.

I need a sign,
I don’t know what to do,
Guide me, show me,
The Earth has gone.

Lord give me a sign,
Hide me from this darkness,
It will pull me under,
To never get out.

Lord give me a sign,
Give it to me,
Very soon,
Unless I am meant to die.

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