This is to the past | Teen Ink

This is to the past

January 15, 2008
By Anonymous

This is to the past
And the moments that went by so fast
Like that night on New Years Eve
I’m glad you decided not to leave
Supposedly I was free as a bird
Though this is only what I have heard
I wandered off as far as I wanted
Lying there out in the open I was flaunted
I wish I could remember
As they shouted “someone tend her”
You carried me over your back
Because of the judgment in which I lack
The scary thoughts that ran through my head
I was convinced I would be dead
How could I have done something so wrong
Like the things we read about in tabloids and hear in the songs.
Water, bread, holding me up
My head felt like a fragile glass cup
I could break at any moment,
I will always have for you the greatest atonement
For that night I did something stupid, but with your strife
You both tended to me, helping save my life
So to all of you out there
I’d like to warn you beware
When you think about drinking
You better start thinking
Remember this story and make it last
Because life goes by way to fast
You may think this will never happen to you
But it’s not like me to do that sh*t too
Things happen, in a blink of an eye
So be smart and don’t let those good moments pass by.
Recognize the people around you, don’t give them that simple little brush;
Because next thing you know, you’re riding an ambulance in panic and rush
There are some memories we wish to remember
And some we can’t, even when we work together
So, this is to the past
And the moments that went by so fast

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