A Desert of Ashes | Teen Ink

A Desert of Ashes

January 16, 2008
By Anonymous

I look over this desert
It is no ordinary one
There is no yellow sand
When there’s usually a ton
Even the river is strange
They’re colored red instead of blue
A very dark and thick red
Still don’t have clue
They’re rivers of blood
The blood from every soldier’s bullet hole
And the desert is of ashes
Nuclear bombs the lives they stole
Dunes upon dunes they lie
Skulls and bones like rocks
And the rain is not the same
It is tears of sadness and shock
And all this for what
Land, money, or revenge
Our only goal is to destroy
If accomplished there will be nothing to hinge
Where has peace gone
Is it that love is dead
Once a world of creation
Destruction and power are ahead
When is murder legal
And young deaths accept
Fear is what we become
Morals are no longer kept
As I look at this desert
I see something dreadful
All of it is growing
The world flags on a falling pole
Some see something else
Big, green, free forest
They don’t want to see the truth
This is my quest
This desert and river
They must be seen
If it’s not me
Then when will they see the mean?

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