Susan Walks down the street | Teen Ink

Susan Walks down the street

January 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Susan Walks down the street and yells "Mommy stop" I want that bare in the Window.
Mommy stops and looks at the price and didn't believe her eyes. "Oh no honey we have to go.
Mommy didn't want to tell Susan what she needed to know.
The real true reason why they had to go
Mommy tried so hard to ignore the fact that they were poor
So she didn't tell Susan why they had to go door from door begging.
Poor little Susan just though they were playing
See deep inside mommy her heart was breaking in two
Because when Susan's Hungry strange things Mommy had to do
You might not understand now exactly how mommy feels every night when she lays down with Paul or Jack or Steve, she says this can't be real.
One-Day mommy stops on a stoop and cry.
Poor little Susan didn't even ask mommy why.
Because little Susan knows exactly what mommy has to do.
So Susan wiped away mommy tears, and told her to tell her fears that they have to go.
Because Susan just gave mommy that BEAR IN THE Window.

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impipany said...
on Jul. 21 2016 at 9:34 am
i Pamala Harris wrote this from stl

impipany said...
on Jul. 21 2016 at 9:34 am
i Pamala Harris wrote this from stl