Shattered Into Pieces | Teen Ink

Shattered Into Pieces

January 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Shattered glass
Pretty lass
Take a ride
Up to heaven
Only seven
Down the shaft
Feel his wrath
Grow your wings
Learn to sing
Bloody face
Silky lace
Knife, sword
Electric cord
Kill yourself
Use your wealth
Hold your breath
Till your death
Use your mind
Circuit City
What a pity
He died so fast
Like that glass
Scattered on the floor
From that girl who was no more
Here comes the light
Into the night
Lying, cheating
Take a beating
Sweet and sour
No more power
Castle walls
Crumble, fall
Commit a crime
Take your time
Aim, fire
It’s your desire
Sit and wait
No mistake
I won’t see
You already killed me
Take off that mask
I’m only shattered glass.

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