Right From the Heart | Teen Ink

Right From the Heart

June 17, 2008
By Anonymous

For you I'd give my last breath
And if it wasn't enough
I'd hurt to death
You gave me wings and took me higher
You were my every desire
So tell me im all you need
Breathe me like the air you breathe
Take me by the hand
Make me understand
You can hurt me but love me like
noone else can
Sometimes the rain falls down so hard
And somedays we're back to the start
I can see myself through the broken peices of glass
What was meant to be will never last
And when it all comes crashing down
I pray that your there to turn it around
Through the thouands and thousands of miles
I'll follow those white lines
And when we're face to face
And you see me broken
You'll understand every word I left unspoken

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