My Words | Teen Ink

My Words

April 16, 2011
By Wonderboy BRONZE, Glenn Dale, Maryland
Wonderboy BRONZE, Glenn Dale, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;legends are not born, they rise&quot;<br /> - BET

My words are my weapon of mass destruction,
they reign like fire on thy very soul,
they cut through diamonds like butter on a biscuit,
my words are what i live by,
by words i live and by breath i speak,
and when i speak i waste no breathe so listen good,
i speak the truth and above,
insecurities are in the past,
ignorance has lost its wrath,
love and compassion fill thy soul,
warm words come out as hugs,
as the fiery beast lay asleep.

The author's comments:
this is for all the haters who think they can ignore me and if for the goof friends who make the beast in me lay asleep.

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