life poem | Teen Ink

life poem

April 19, 2011
By vonta,livinglife BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
vonta,livinglife BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I&#039;ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don&#039;t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;As athletes, we&#039;re used to reacting quickly. Here, it&#039;s &#039;come, stop, come

I am from a big water bed in a king size room
From a huge projector screen blaring and a stereo blasting tech me how to Dougie
From a computer where we make you tube videos and phone buzzing of the hook with text and calls from my acquaintances

I am from a basketball dribbling loudly on a cement floor
From hot-headed loud pretty girls watching me play and a crazy town where the old men next door fight and cuss From a large chain-smoking family and games like street ball being run while people get their ankles broke

I am from a big windy city where we get all four seasons
From giant skyscrapers that look as if they are going to fall and a big mall full of people everyday of the week
From a place where there is fires everyday and a place where swag lives

I am from the land of honest Abe
From the big white oak tree and pretty purple flowers called the viola
From a the prairie state and the wilderness of prairies wheat and corn crops a flat land

I am from the big bad hood where they take your cookies and cornbread
From a big house where all you hear is yelling and cursing where if you take the last piece of chicken you get slapped and a large surround sound room that’s loud
From a family where we get alone when we feel like it and a mom that yells when you do wrong

I am from a huge house where the grass is greener on my side of town
From a court where it is filled with thousands of fans every time we play and a big old swimming pool
From where we have a waterfall and a room that has a trap door where I can swim outside from the inside


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