Taste of Heaven | Teen Ink

Taste of Heaven

January 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Staring into nowhere...
an empty space.
Longing for somewhere...
a special place.
A special place to call my own.
No matter where I'm at,
I'm always home.
A place where love and joy abounds.
A place where silence is a peaceful sound.
A place where hate and hurt ceases.
A place where hearts can't break into pieces.
Somewhere where hope and peace abides,
where the tears are never cried.
The place where death can never be,
The place that the Son is preparing for me.
The glorious place where the world can't get in,
and the weights that carry burdening sin.
The place for me that was paid with His blood.
You know the place where you just can't get enough...
of God and Jesus, and all that is holy.
Of peace and joy, His majesty.
The place where everyone is believing.
The "Golden City", the "Celestial Gate"... Heaven.
But the world is where I live, for the present moment.
And I'm going to make the most of it.
Shouting His name, and spreading His love,
telling them of the place above.
Living life to the fullest,
with God by side all the way through it.
Through the ups and downs,
all around.
In His arms I'm safe and sound.
And in His arms is my safe little haven.
My own little taste of what is Heaven.

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