Crossfire | Teen Ink


January 24, 2008
By Anonymous

She sits at the table
yelling all around her
Their fighting again
Her parents, her brother
all yelling at each other

The mom slams things
on the counter
The brother shouts at the
The dog barks
the father tells it to
shut up
The father yells at the
mother to be quiet
She's in the crossfire again

The mother tells her to
go to bed
She races to the bathroom
locks the door

The parents yell because they care
but does it have to be
so loud?

She covers her ears
but the sound leaks through
The yelling seems to stop
She gets ready for bed
as fast as she can
She slowly walks back
to the kitchen
says goodnight
and retreats to her bedroom

The yelling starts again
The yelling seems so
like it's right next to her

The parents yell because they care
but does it have to
be so loud?

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