My mind of and Ocean | Teen Ink

My mind of and Ocean

February 4, 2008
By Anonymous

My mind is an ocean
The waves
They splash on the coast of my skull

My hear is the bright sun
It warms my world
Shining brightly

As you sail
You don’t know how the wakes you make
Affects the ocean

They carry in every direction
Till they slowly fade
But then more are created

I know you love the days
When the sun shines on the ocean
I can see it on your face

The sun reflects off the water
The day is warm
The day is good

But sometimes
Clouds of sadness
Block out the sun

The winds trash your boat
The rain falls
The wind blows

All the sun wants to do
Is to shine on you
But the clouds won’t allow it

The ocean is upset
But let it throw its fit
And sleep well knowing

Tomorrow I will fly above the clouds
Take a big breath
And blow them away

Then the sun can shine upon the ocean
As bright and warm as ever
The way that it’s supposed to be

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