Nothing Special | Teen Ink

Nothing Special

February 4, 2008
By Anonymous

There was nothing special about this door.
It was a door, much like any other door.
This one happened to be solid oak,
And it had a large brass handle to open it with,
But there was absolutely nothing to the door
That would stop a person in their tracks,
Not even if said person was a door aficionado.
As I have said before, and say again now;
There was nothing special about this door.

The door, on one hand, may not have been special,
But its purpose was. In fact its purpose was very special.
It had such a highly esteemed job,
That most people didn’t even know its true purpose,
For it is a job so old, it has been around
Since the invention of the door, you could say.
Despite our forgetfulness, the door remembers.
Which is why it stands there ever vigilant,
Protecting you.

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