Suicidal Flower/Dying Eyes | Teen Ink

Suicidal Flower/Dying Eyes

December 5, 2007
By Anonymous

Everything around me is dark
My world is turning grey
Noone hears this dog bark
Noone else can see the colors today

My blood is running weak inside me
Feels this beating drum's been sewn together
and ripped right from the seems
I've been hung out here to weather

Feels like my black death's closing in
Where'd my knight in shining armor go?
He's failed to save me again
He's left my life swimming in sin
Our flower wasn't nourished, so it didn't grow

My flower's black and frail
It's on it's way through death's toll
Which may lead it straight to hell
Where's my rider of the white horse to save my soul?

Tell me where do you go?
Where do you go when you hand me like this?
Where do you go when I've sunk this low?
Where do you go after our last kiss?

Tell me where do you go?????!!!!

It doesn't matter now
My last breath I'll soon release
I'm sure the fact it was for you won't bring you down
But I guess my dying eyes you really cannot see

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