That Moment I Knew | Teen Ink

That Moment I Knew

December 6, 2007
By Anonymous

Like a fluid silken cloth
It eluded my outstretched hand
I knew in that moment
Alone in life I’ll stand

Realization filled my heart
I shall never feel love’s embrace
The meaning was clear
Upon that tear stricken face

I saw the truth
In those swirling voids of hazel
I will never be able, to cradle
Those velvety cheeks of maple

I knew it
In one single moment in time
I saw it in that vivid stare
Her feelings do not reflect mine

Deep, deep in my soul
Her pleading eyes, penetrated
She knew she’d broken more
Than my heart, than she had contemplated

As her rosy lips trembled
I placed upon her, love’s final kiss
Like a thief in the night
I stole a taste of love’s bliss

Slipping away from me always
Her luscious love dissipated
The moment slipped pass
Our adjoined paths, finally separated

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