Blank | Teen Ink


December 6, 2007
By Anonymous

Time just passes me by
Not even knowing
I still do not budge
I gaze up at the clock
Feeling as though the time
Has not changed
I still cannot write
Not even one thought floats out of my imagination
My brain still processes information
My head pounds with pain
What’s wrong with me
I can not envision
One thought
People chatting, giggling, and enjoying themselves
While I sit in the corner just blank
No motivational ideas stir my mind
I feel forced to produce a writing
That does not bounce out of my heart
Words flow from my pen
But not a potential piece
Scribbling out the words
Rolling the paper in my hands
I toss the rubbish into the wastebasket
My thoughts are distorted
My mind scrambling for something inspiring
I am just blank

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