Forget | Teen Ink


January 12, 2008
By Anonymous

We may be over
We may be done,
But I will NEVER forget you
You WERE my ONE!
The memories we shared
The good and the bad
I will miss them all
But don't be sad
You found someone better
To treat you right
Don't worry 'bout me
I'll be alright
So worship and cherish what you have
One thing you must know
Don't make my mistake
And let you LOVE go
So forget Nico's couch
Our first Kiss
Forget how you apologized afterwards
This moment I will miss
Forget about Downtown
At your Favorite Spot
Forget Alvin and the Chips
And all the feelings you got
Forget jumping on your trampoline together
And baking cookies at your house
Forget when I said Always and Forever
And you said you Loved me more than anyone else
So just forget about me
Forget about us
Forget Everything we had
This you MUST!

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