Heaven High | Teen Ink

Heaven High

January 13, 2008
By Anonymous

A new year’s day
Passing without a sway
A normal day passing without commotion
No sound can be heard from the clandestine wind
Causing Flurries of flakes waltzing across the lucid window
Kissing surfaces and chasing away the shadow
They are archangels sent from above
Mighty in their mysterious ways that few can solve
Only a few can see these wisps in action
For they are tiny and disappears in second’s fractions
Once all the deeds have been done
The sun rises again and so does these beings
Condense to vapor and warp towards the sky
So that once more they can fall from the heaven high.

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This article has 1 comment.

Joy26 said...
on Jan. 22 2009 at 12:19 pm
I love the snow:archangels metaphor. This is such a cool way to think about snow!