Leaning with faith not to fall | Teen Ink

Leaning with faith not to fall

June 23, 2008
By Dakota White BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
Dakota White BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Working hard to make it though, even though there`s nothing new. Enourging words mixed with feelings of hers. She`s trying so hard. Hope has gone far. Her faith has grown strong even though it hasn`t been long. With all the pain held from her past, she decided now to brake the mask. She`s finding her way even though things arn`t okay.Through all the dark with a broken heart, she`s faught herself not to make a mark. Even though it`s been a long walk, and somewhat scarey through all the dark, she leaned on Jesus and showed what He pleases. It hasn`t been easy, and there`s more pain to come but through it all, she`ll know where to run.

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