CandyCandyCandyCandy | Teen Ink


October 18, 2011
By ashleyX13 PLATINUM, Memphis, Tennessee
ashleyX13 PLATINUM, Memphis, Tennessee
32 articles 0 photos 50 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've made mistakes; not one regret." Alyssa Nicolson

The fast-paced rush.
Sweet breeze
Rustling through spearmint leaves
Tousling my Twizzler-red hair
Blowing my Three Musketeers costume
In chocolatey pools around me.
I feel like floating
Up to the witches
That shriek and scream
With candy corn teeth.
I sigh and breathe in 
The velvety Halloween night.

The author's comments:
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays so I wrote a poem about my favorite parts of it: candy and the eerie night! Enjoy and don't be afraid to comment!


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