Shining Light | Teen Ink

Shining Light

April 25, 2008
By Anonymous

I look and see you way up there
With divine work and loving care
Has made a tear from heaven’s cheek
Fall on my lips to let me speak

Little ball of shining light
Whooshing freely through the night
I saw you once and now once more
And I shall weakly close my door

Long steps now let me walk
And let me flow while I shall talk
Of little beams of shining light
Forming crescents through the night

Now I reach the door and gently wait
While my lungs and bones are filled with faith
And my bony wrist turns the door once more
To see a moon beam on the floor

To the window I whish my way
And see a sparkle to this day
Of fairy dust and pixie wings
While the dead of night gently sings

Singing crickets, silent bees
Leaves are falling from the trees
And the moon has come and now will stay
Until in the morning, bringing day

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