My Eyes | Teen Ink

My Eyes

April 28, 2008
By Anonymous

When you look in my eyes what do you see?
Can you see to my soul? Can you see the real me?
Can you see the pain you caused when you walked out the door?
And all you could say was I can't do this anymore.
How can you just leave your family without thinking twice?
Just packed up and left, now you got a new life.
You sit around and wonder why I never come to visit.
Its because I can't stand to see what I didn't get.
All the family time, board games, and laughs you guys share.
What happened to the angry you? The you who didn't care.
Remember the little time we use to spend together.
How close we were dad. Now it's like i don't matter.
A week without a call. Two without a meeting.
It hurts deep inside like an emotional beating.
I've just accepted your not a big part of my life.
You write that check to my mom what more could I want right?
When you look back on my life and see all that you've missed
Like something as simple as a goodnight kiss.
Don't get mad just remember your wife and step daughter.
You get a second chance. You get to do better.
Don't worry about me dad I'm gonna be okay.
I strayed off the path but now i'm on my way.
Because you see i grew up in the blink of an eye.
I think it all happened when you said good bye.
So when you look in my eyes dad, what do you see?
Can you see to my soul? Can you see the real me?

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