Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

February 1, 2008
By Anonymous

A white page stares at me.
The blue lines lay waiting.
They need words across them.
My Pencil in my hand doing nothing.
My hand is ready to take off
and race across the paper.
My head tells it to write something,
anything, begs it to move.
But, nothing happens.
I dig deep into my mind,
opening every dusty file,
hoping something will happen,
anything will happen, but,
nothing happens, nothing at all.
I lay my head down onto the desk
in complete frustration
and eventually drift into sleep.
Images start to formulate in my dreams...
vicious images. People laughing...
Feelings of stupidity...voices taunting me...
then suddenly I jerk awake... I have it!
My Christopher Columbus has finally found the Americas and docked his ship.
My hand jolts into action
and within five minutes
my poem is complete
and I'm starting a new one....
Thank God for Writer's Block!

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