Dream Watcher | Teen Ink

Dream Watcher

January 31, 2008
By Anonymous

She closes her eyes...
Imagines a place...
A place all her own...
A place she is safe.

At first I see nothing...
Should I go back?
Then suddenly Light...
In a room full of Black.

And I follow the Light...
To where Waters are calm...
And the Sun shines upon them...
A breeze swaying the palms.

And then quickly it changes...
In the ground there's a crack...
Bright Flames lick their way up...
And there's Smoke and there's Ash.

And once more the scene changes...
And the Lights far away...
The Sun is now hidden...
As Night overcomes Day.

In the distance there's Thunder...
And I see Lightening Bolts...
And the Rain is coming down...
But then suddenly halts.

From Dark Clouds I see Sun...
For a moment or so...
But that was enough...
Well at least now I know.

And now I come back...
To that faint little Light...
I look up to the Stars...
And the Moon in the Night.

And she opens her eyes...
Nothing is quite as it seems...
But you see that's my job...
To watch all her Dreams.

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