Someone Like Me | Teen Ink

Someone Like Me

January 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Look at me big sister
Or is it that hard
Yes I know you’re perfect
Me? I’m just in your world
Don’t turn away
From me
Fight and scream
Call out those names
With little meaning
Hug me later,
Say you’re sorry
Promise me you’ll change
Lie to me some more
I know you’re worth it
Dig me up from the mud tomorrow
Mold me from the clay
That we share
I love you
Yes don’t say it
You never do
I make you laugh
Hate and fear
But never cry
I am your enemy
But your heart is closest to mine
Look at me big sister
Before you walk away
Know what you’re hiding from
Something as small,
Young and tender,
Something like me

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