Bloodstained Concrete | Teen Ink

Bloodstained Concrete

February 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Teddy bears,
gifts, flowers,
for these human beings
who have died died on the street
The color red reminds me of
bloodstained concrete
Sirens, cops,ambulance
"Another one" died and they
didn't even get a chance
A chance to live
A chance to succeed
A chance to past
These intentional bullets
are hitting innocent people fast
I wonder how I live everyday
I have become fearless
everytime that I pray
Thank God for letting me stay
I'm livin' in "the hood"
and all I know is the streets
I hope it doesn't defeats me
R.I.P for those who died over violence
Constantly goin' on which is nonsense
What is goin' on- on the streets
may make me the next victim of these
Bloodstained Concretes

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