Need You in my Dreams | Teen Ink

Need You in my Dreams

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Need you in my dreams.

Behind sleeping eyes,
You sit waiting in my memory.
Twisting your delicate fingers,
through my imagination.
I can’t help it...I need you in my dreams.

Through the nightmares.
Violent blood spatter.
All I fear and more.
You save me, every time. My hero.
I can’t help it...I need you in my dreams.

When I am the hero,
Destroying evil, you are my side-kick.
Assisting and supporting at every turn.
Ready to rescue me from terrible fates.
I can’t help it...I need you in my dreams.

When the lights are low.
Candle light beckons to the passionate.
You are there.
Dance with me under the stars, in the rain.
I can’t help it...I need you in my dreams.

When parallel universes, twist reality.
Where nothing makes any sense.
When things lay undecipherable.
You hold me close and help me understand.
I can’t help it...I need you in my dreams.

When my dreams take a turn for the worst.
And I awake screaming in the darkness.
You are there to stop my tears.
To bring me back to reality.
I can’t help it...I need you...In my life..

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