Passion. Injustice. | Teen Ink

Passion. Injustice.

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

It drives me crazy
To see you
Because I know
I can’t have you
No matter how much I long.
No one sees it
For I conceal it
I must conceal it
society’s word
Speaks against it
Or does it?
Hypocritical, they are.
Heeding not of their own warnings.
what makes us human
is our desires
and they
are human.
They are blind to the
Injustice of it.
Why dont you let me go?
Why dont you let me love?
I must make my own path,
and you are the one i wish to follow.
you are the one who teaches me.
the gap is ever widening
i reach for you only for my hand to be slapped away
by someone else
i long for you
i can see it too
in your eyes
we hunger.
so hunger.
from a distance we
will love
my heart is forever yours,
oh my loved one
oh my passion
dont forget me.

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