Who is the Child | Teen Ink

Who is the Child

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Who is the child, so happy and bright,
Bowl cut blonde, sparkling blue eyes,
Smile frantic upon red lips,
So fresh with life and pure of soul,
Country and classic rock he loves,
The romance songs the best by him,
He laughs as they sing, Heartbreaker,
What could ever be that bad?

Who is this child?
Small teeth freshly revealed,
So soon out, so soon to leave,
Replaced by bigger teeth,
Just like this laughing child,
Soon replaced by a bigger model,
No less cute, but no more cute,
Smiling through tears,
Who is this child?
Why does he laugh,
How can he laugh,
With so much wrong in the world?
Plain and simple.
He is a child.

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