You Were my Favorite | Teen Ink

You Were my Favorite

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

You were my favorite Palo Verde tree,
Standing strong and tall snug in granny’s backyard.
You provided a home for many creatures large and small.
You were a favorite quiet spot for me to hide.
The swing that swung there long ago was the place to be for all the chatter.
The creatures and I miss breathing your sweet fresh air.
Though they may not say it, every living thing around the world misses doing it too.
So why do they tare your brothers and sisters down?
You were just uprooted by a violent thunder storm, now dieing piece by piece.
But what about your exotic aunts and uncles,
Your friendly, piney cousins just up north,
How come they replace your beauty and grace for such an ugly source?
Don’t they understand once you shun a tree seedling they won’t grow back on their own?
So tell me why we murder your family,
For the fun, just because, for our own selfishness?
Oh why oh why do we kill our friends that help us breathe?
One day when you all fall down I’ll cry myself to sleep.

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