Sitting Next to You | Teen Ink

Sitting Next to You

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Sitting next to you I forget we ever broke up
When I’m alone my eyes always tear up
I wish we could start over
I wish we were together again

Sitting next to you I love your smile
If I had to, for you I’d walk a million miles
I love your humorous personality
I love your wonderful blue eyes

Sitting next to you my heart beats faster
I love your wonderful laughter
I just hope your dreams will come true
I just hope we’ll stay friends till the end

Sitting next to you everyday I wish for some miracle
Something so we could just start over again
Some days I walk a little faster in the hallways
So I’ll talk to you always

Sitting next to you I hope you’ll remember
I hope you’ll remember all the times we spent together
I hope the best for you
I just want you to know that I’ll still love you!

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