Thunderous Quiet | Teen Ink

Thunderous Quiet

April 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Cougar, cougar, fierce with might,
Stalking your prey in the night,
How is it that you've become so quiet?
Even with your deepest desires ready to riot?

You creep through the darkness without a care
You correct the mistaken with one short gare
Never-ending is your reign
Maybe this is why you are so vain

How quietly and stealthily you move
What is it that you are trying to prove?
Your overpowering and haughty might?
Or your fearful teeth that shine so white?

How could such a loving and gracious God
Make a beast as merciless as you; how odd
But whatever it may be that you wish to do,
Please Sir Cougar, have compassion that is true

Cougar, cougar, fierce with might,
Stalking your prey in the night,
How is it that you've become so quiet?
Even with your deepest desires ready to riot?

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