Trust | Teen Ink


April 17, 2008
By Anonymous

A becon of hope in a life circumferenced,
by apprehension,Your Faltless, blameless, soul
Entises me with a conciousness of security
Your questionable authenticity leaves me
with a dreaded adjucation,The battle to believe
My untrusting heart,slammed shut and paved over
with unkept promises, fractured, and exhausted
in its own imperfection
I can fathom something so complete,could ever be genuine
no matter how i try to perservere to pass
my childish worry,The reminicence
of my nightmare refuses to refrian
Even more undying than my fright,You push forward
through all of the many
walls sheilding my caughtioned dispostition
Slowly breaking down each one, Till finally reaching
the core of my fear,Assuring me its more than just a dream
Settling my restless nature to peace,never once doubting me you
patiently waited for the war to end.

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