I Knew | Teen Ink

I Knew

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

"I knew I love you before I met you
I think I dream you into life
I knew I love you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life"

How do you describe the patterns of love
how do you describe the patterns of pain
which will give me more gain
which one will leave me broken hearted
how far will the pain go
will it leave me glowing or dear departed
will I let it decide my life
will it make me happy and keep me on the right
path to recovery or leave me blue
even through all the games
"I knew I love you before I met you"

You may say I have more wisdom for my age
Even still my heart and mind are running through
The stages of love
Everyone’s happy and clapping as if in a parade
But why can’t I hear anything I close my eyes
And I see you
As if you were controlling my minds images through you
You say walk and you will find
As I began walking I feel the heat from you
Growing its hot and I’m on the right track
I open my eyes and the passion is slowly cooling down
And I’m crashing
I feel your present
"I think I dream you into life"

How far will you let the games go
Why do you let the games go
Why do you leave me in frustration
Are you afraid we might give into temptation
Are we keeping each other safe
By staying away
Are you hearing me or just listening
Do you feel the struggles as I feel the pain
Are you bleaching out the pain or do you want it to stain
"I knew I love you before I met you"

Reveal your identity to me
Close your eyes you say
But all I can see
Is darkness that surrounds your body
I feel your fears as you feel mine
You keep saying close but I open my eyes
I’m searching for you
As I hear your voice
Do you hear my cry
We can’t say goodbye
I see you with my eyes
You’re physically here after all that strife
This is the moment…
"I have been waiting all my life"

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