Thirsty | Teen Ink


February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

You’re like the apple of my eye
Forbidden fruit, sweeter with every bite
Thank you for forgiving me
I know this can’t seem right
I’m different, you see?
I hate the sun and live among the night
Vicious and evil, born from Hell
I’m dark and afraid; you are my only light
Somehow beauty reaches within
Grasping my soul, ripping to shreds
Everything pale and white as my skin
You were the first to touch
The first to force me warm
Now I give you this gift
You do not want to rise above the mist
I thought you understood
Or were unafraid or caring, or loved
Now I see you for what you are
You taste just like the rest
More and more
I’m starting to see, this isn’t a curse
My blood and teeth are blessed

Never again will I believe
My wild existence should be tamed
Better before sunrise
Apples and blood do taste the same

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