I Remember. | Teen Ink

I Remember.

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember how it felt that day
Knowing what mom was going to say
She's saying that you went away
I wish that I could make you pay

I remember how I felt that night
Knowing things just weren't right
But saying things would be all right
While comforting the others fright

I remember how it felt that day
With people standing around
I didn't look at the casket
I stared; looking at the ground

I remember how it felt that night
When I had no one to call
Just sitting and staring at the wall
Coping with it all

I remember how it felt that day
Hugging others tight
Walking with my head up high
But nothing at all felt right

I remember how it felt that night
When I had to say good bye
You were always the one who was strong
Why did you have to die

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