She wanders down a dusty road, | Teen Ink

She wanders down a dusty road,

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

She wanders down a dusty road,
her sandy, fine hair astray.
Her feet are bare, even though it’s cold.
She cannot find her way.

She reaches for a golden chain,
around it lays a heart.
She reads the back that bears his name,
she yearns to no longer be apart.

Her eyes begin to fill with tears
as she looks up to the sky.
She thinks back on all the years
and she begins to cry.

Her knees hit the ground
as she collapses in despair.
Her body sinks without a sound.
She lies there with no one to care.

As her thoughts wander with dread,
a hand appears with grace.
It reaches down around her head
and lifts it to see his smiling face.

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