Hidden Beneath | Teen Ink

Hidden Beneath

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

She seems as peaceful as the undisturbed ocean waves.
But, she releases energy stronger than any storm to hit.
Hidden behind the laughter and smiles seeming so true,
Is a life, not so surreal.

Beneath her sun darkened skin, lives someone not thriving to win.
But, someone else that no one can see,
Someone else waiting to break free.

She bleeds bliss beneath her soul,
According to everyone else she knows.
What everyone see's , is not the real truth.
In reality she bleeds nothing but truce.

Breaking, surviving, holding on
Are everyday things bound to go on.

Breaking the beatable.
Surviving the impossible.
Holding on to the unthinkable.

Swshhhhhh, the waves crash.
Beneath the surface is a hurricane,
Not peaceful, like it seems.

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