Alison Amy Sosa | Teen Ink

Alison Amy Sosa

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I loved you before I knew you, but that will never change.
You will always be on my mind and in my heart.
I've shed too many tears for that to change.
But everytime I cry, I learn something new.
Something abut myself,
something about life,
just something.
You will never be replaced or forgotten.

When I look at your sister,
growing up, learning everyday,
I wonder what you would've been doing,
how far you would've developed.
What your first word would've been.
If you would've looked like Erin.
What things you would've done.
If you would've been the next Albert Einstein.
If you would've discovered something life changing.
There's always that "what if" sticking in my mind.
What if you lived?
What if you were never conceived?
What if she had an abortion?
What if you were healthy?

I miss you, though I don't know you.
I love you, and we never met.
I think about you, but I never saw you.

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