Waiting for an Eternity | Teen Ink

Waiting for an Eternity

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

It’s getting to be that time of year when
Spring has finally sprung.
Everything is green,
Everything is blooming.

Spring has finally sprung
And summer is soon to come.
Everything is blooming
The flowers, the trees, and other plants.

And summer is soon to come.
I wish it would come faster
The flowers, the trees, and other plants
Want it to be summer too.

I wish it would come faster.
The days are standing still, and we
Want it to be summer too,
As the days grow longer.

The days are standing still, and we
Think summer is never going to come.
As the days grow longer,
We lose our patience.

Think summer is never going to come?
Seems likely.
We lose our patience
As the weeks drag on by.

Seems likely
That we are skipping summer this year.
As the weeks drag on by
Everything is green.

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