Love with me | Teen Ink

Love with me

June 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Lay with me

Watch the clouds go by

While we talk about nothing of consequence

Just living in the moment, careless

Run with me

Through the rain

Eyes closed, feeling only the rain on our faces

Holding hands, loving one another

Jump with me

In the autumn leaves

Cherishing the beautiful colors

Cherishing the love that we share

With nothing on our minds

But the texture of the leaves

Sit with me

On the beach docks

Watching the waves crash

Laughing at absolutely nothing at all

In utter silence, and awe at the sight

Live with me


Through the many years

Reminiscing of all the times

Spent on nothing at all, and how they were

The most important

Grow old with me

In solid rocking chairs

Watching the clouds roll by

With our memories etched into them

Knowing we fulfilled our lives

Die with me

My love

Hand in hand side by side

Loving one another


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