L*** | Teen Ink


July 3, 2008
By Anonymous

So you see,
There was this idea,
Hundreds of thousands of millions of years ago,
Thats when it all started.
Just a small, tiny, minuscule thought,
That grew,
And spread,
And caught on almost everywhere.
It pushed out all other ideas from people's minds.
It was tyrannical,
& stubborn,
And drove many mad,
But wherever there was lack of this idea,
Became a harsh, desert of a land, where life was scarce and hope had been lost long ago.

But man was not ready for the dawning of this idea,
Nor will it ever be,
So when the imperfection of man came together with this entirely perfect thought,
Great tragedies occurred.
Wars raged,
Families bickered,
Lives were lost.

But sometimes for a moment or two,
Man had an epiphany, where he truly understood this thought,
And when this happened,
Great wonders occurred.
Wars ended,
Families united,
Lives were gained.

This one tiny, overwhelming thought,
This one small, abstract thought,
This amazing, astronomical feeling,
Is positively inescapable.

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