Heart | Teen Ink


May 4, 2008
By Anonymous

When you look into you're heart what do you see. Do you see a heart that is hard filled with hatred and anger. Or do you see a heart that is filled with light. Is you're heart a rock or is you're heart a beautiful sweet rose. Is you're heart bob wire trapping everything from coming into love peace and joy. Or is you're heart like a dove flying to the heavens freely without any interruption peace joy and happiness. Is you're heart like the fiery pits of hell or is you're heart like the joy of heaven.People hearts are different but u can always change wen you're ready one minute its as hard as a rock the next minute its sweet as a rose. My heart it varies one minute it can be as hard as a rock the next minute it can be as sweet as a rose. But no matter what you're heart is u can always change it imto wat i can be

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