It Would Be So Much Easier To BeYou | Teen Ink

It Would Be So Much Easier To BeYou

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

It would be so much easier to be you
It would be so much easier to be you.
You are the girl that everyone wants to be,
The one in all of the activities that “look good” on a college application,
The one that can have a million friends,
And all of them are true.

It would be so much easier to be you,
You are the girl who have guys fighting over you,
The skinny girl that looks amazing in everything that she puts on,
And doesn’t spend more than ten minutes on choosing her clothes.

It would be so much easier to be you,
The girl with all of the right answers,
The one with the sassy attitude,
That makes every guy drool.

It would be so much easier to be you,
But then I wouldn’t be the same,
I would have an easy life,
And that wouldn’t be me.

It wouldn’t be me,
And even though you offer your soul to me,
I say no,
I have lived the hard life for both of us.

The hard life continues,
Even though it would be easier to be you,
But then no one would be me,
And I would lose my influence on the world.

The influence that made me tell you,
I love being me,
I hate being me,
And that is me.

Me is the girl that has the problems with friends,
Not at all sassy,
Unless I am around sassy people,
Unless I pretend to be someone other than me.

You see,
I like being the sassy and crazy girl that you are,
People want me to be that way,
And sometimes I want to be that way.

Being that way makes me carefree,
That way makes me a blonde flirt,
That way makes me you,
It would be so much easier to be you.

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