Wondered | Teen Ink


May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I've sat awhile and wondered why God placed me with you
Alot of people brag about how their mother can buy them everything in the world
and some complain about how they don`t have a mother at all
I wish God could've given those children a mother like you

No matter how many things I've done wrong
No matter how disobediant I was towards to you at times
You loved me no matter what

Some people can`t say they have a mother like you
Because you`re one of those rare mothers`
More like rare humans out there

You love your children
and the ever so wonderful Jesus Christ

Can a woman be any better?
You have beauty that couldn`t be replaced with another

My whole body would shut down if I ever lost you
You`re more than a mother to me
You`re my best friend
Without you is like losing air
I can function without you
But I`d rather not

Even if you don`t the man of your dreams
Don`t forget I`m here for you whenever you need a hug
Need someone to come to for help
Need someone for a shoulder to cry on
I`d give you more than a shoulder if you needed more tears to cry

You`re love could be spread across this world a million times
And you`d still have more to give

You always stood up for me whenever bad situations came around
You were my shield
You were the one who loved me almost as much as God does

Can anyone find like you?
I don`t think so

I don`t think I could go a day without knowing you were here with me
In spirit or living
I`ll love you no matter what

God specifically created me
To be sent to you
So I could be your daughter
And you could be my mother

It`s truly destiny
And it`s truly reality
You`re the perfect mother
And I hope I`m the perfect daughter

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