Inspired by Reality | Teen Ink

Inspired by Reality

September 23, 2007
By Anonymous

Feel the wind...
Blowing through your har
Sunny days...

Feel the diseption of
that controls our minds
through conartists
which seperates us
from whats real and whats fake
take a deep breath
into reality
take a picture of your
interrpret the flaws
the mistakes move on...
turn through the path of correction
gratefulness, gracefulness &
exclusivley setting you at a turning point
promoting the right turn in life
reseting you to a destination
the destination
is your decision
going straight in a path
can suddenly lead you
to a right turn
depending on how perfectly you turn in that right lane
it can either lead you off track or keep you searching...
taking you through obstacles
you never been through...
fashionably inspired but internationally insured by your grace.

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