Lie to Me (Now) | Teen Ink

Lie to Me (Now)

March 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I've said all I could,
Often I believe I try too hard.
I wonder if its worth standing here,
Waiting for you to reply.
I know that all you can do is just
Lie to me now.

I sit here thinking of what is true,
The first smile you gave to me,
I handled it with care.
But now, I see you and I know,
Your smile is just your way to
Lie to me somehow

Sure I miss the special moments.
And to be quite honest,
I loved the way you held me,
There I knew you found joy,
But now I know the thing you hold is the way you
Lie to me now.

So here I am, letting go,
Just tired of having to stay back.
I know that the faster I move forward,
The less chance you will have to
Lie to me somehow.


It is Here

It is here, by the making of man's own hands,
The life of all those of any importance,
And of no importance,
That the end draws nigh and shall decimate them.
This, of course has been contrived by their hearts,
Though it be unknown to them now, and perhaps forever,
For their minds and their re-designed disposition
Hinders them from seeing the light even when they are in the dark.

This light shines on continuously, though on more than others.
It is not because the light favors the blind,
But rather the severity and the strength of the darkness prevents it.
The darkness proves the light, yet there is hardly a light amidst the dark.
The truth is blockaded from the soul of the doer,
It is propelled beyond the borders of the evil.

Cold, yet satisfying, this darkness recruits many of all trades,
It engulfs the willing victim to their doom they have created.
These victims all blindly know the path.
They once saw the light; the truth they rejected.

It is here now, when all the world shall see their fruits,
Their deadly vines of evil that they have entwined,
Their lost hope of the light that now grows dim.
It is not dim from lack of truth,
But the lack of desiring the Truth.
It is here now.

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