Request For a Longer Summer | Teen Ink

Request For a Longer Summer

March 9, 2008
By Anonymous

I sit outside
Under a fiery, hot sun.
Summer goes by too fast when you're having fun.

Savoring the very last moments of freedom and heat,
Of the beach, the pool,
Never resting, never feeling beat.

Being active during this time period is a feeling so great.
It's just the experience afterwards,
Wishing the school year would come so late.

I squat under the shady protection of the old oak tree,
Three duckings trail behind their mother
Yapping at me.

They seem to be saying,
"We know how you feel;
Soon the summer the fall will steal."

I try to hold on to my carefree summer thoughts.
I knew vacation is over,
But more freedom I sought.

I don't want this luxury to end,
The only way my low spirit may mend,
A request for a longer summer I send.

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