Singing My Song | Teen Ink

Singing My Song

March 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Away from my home,
singing my song
I walked down a lane,
which seemed oh, so long.
I stopped singing my song,
once I lost sight
I didn’t care what I did,
what was considered right
A house there once was,
though forewarned not to enter
I found myself at its doors,
directly at the center
To visit its rooms I pined,
its occupants to implore
To unlock its secrets,
open its doors
Pondering silently if I
should carry through,
I thought “If I’ve come this far,
what else should I do?”
I opened the door and
realized only too late
When I stepped inside that door,
it altered my fate.
The darkness inside seemed
way too appeasing
The cold, dark, walls and cotton web
stairs were way too pleasing
I was frightened at first,
but I felt so free
So ready to live,
and be all I could be
Little did I know,
when to me that freedom came
My soul left in exchange,
in some sort of game
As I turned to leave,
the latch on the door locked shut
As I was trapped,
I knew only to look up
And as I looked up
the door opened wide
With a clear view
of what lay outside
I followed the lane home
where I knew I belonged
Looked up once again,
and began singing my song.

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