I Told Myself That I Let Go | Teen Ink

I Told Myself That I Let Go

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I told myself that I let go.
Letting go of you wasn’t hard.
Moving on is the never ending struggle.
My heart fell and shattered.
Many pieces lay on the floor.

It is time to pick them up.
To put them back together.
I’ve tried, and I keep trying.
Superglue won’t help, neither will tape.
Nothing is helping, nothing at all.

Hope is all I’ve got left.
But hope is dying out.
I keep searching, with eyes wide open.
All I see is darkness.
No one to guide me, no use to keep going.

Being strong is what I’m about.
That’s why I’ve held on for so long.
This time, though, my strength is breaking.
I can’t fight anymore.
I’m not giving up, I’m giving in.

The shadows that haunt me have won.
They swallowed me whole.
Trapped and isolated I have become.
To surrender to destruction would be a tragedy.
To escape and overcome would be a miracle.
Only time will tell.

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